Links I've collected during web searches for anything about Katherine and John of Gaunt, their life, homes, etc., after reading Katherine by Anya Seton.  Since women were so highly thought of during those times ...NOT....most are in relation to John of Gaunt.

If you have any links you would like for me to add, please email me. 


They are in random order....enjoy!

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Images I've collected pertaining to Katherine and John of Gaunt.

Judy Perry's 20+ years of research into Katherine's life.

Chronology of Geoffrey Chaucer's life and times

Swynford Family Site

About the Author

The Katheryn and Winnie the Pooh connection.

Medieval Sourcebook: John of Gaunt in Portugal, 1385

Kenilworth Castle

History of Kenilworth Castle

Bolingbroke Castle

Comments from author Sara Douglas about John of Gaunt and Katherine
There's a nice medieval map of London, and a sketch of the Savoy Palace here.

Katherine Swynford discussion forum
Taking place at Living History site.   

Lincoln Cathedral website

Katherine on Ebay
Where you can find affordable hard covers of the original Anya Seton book.


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